Work for the Norwegian Airline Widerøe through Cognizant.
During a 6 months sprint project, i’ve collaborated with Project Managers, Developers and UX Researches to understand how we can bring value to users through Wideroe’s new app.
Role: Sr. Product Designer
The full project involved various design sprints, ideation & alignment workshops, development sessions and prototype demos.
From Research to sprint planning, i've collaborated with stakeholders from early stage in the project in order to identify JTBD and user pain points.
The project goal was creating a new app for Wideroe, using a human-centric approach, crafiting each user story and improving Wideroe's booking system through the app.
Photo: Previous App Design

Amongst the deliverables i've studied the new app colours, typography and iconography. I've also proposed the use of Design tokens from the start in order to bring structure and future proof the component library i was about to start.

As part of my project deliverables, i was able to design all main sections of the app, which counted to roughly 85 screens and around 200 components. The project is currently in development and final testing.
App check-in completion screen.